lördag 20 september 2008

Sånt asbra inlägg: En superdator för skrivbordet

Svensk IT-blogg
Såg ett inlägg på www.idg.se och det fick mig verkligen att hoppa av glädje. Vissa saker var så asbra, men kan hålla med om endel av det. www.idg.se skriver massa snygga saker.

Trots det vill jag passa på att tipsa er om En superdator för skrivbordet, skriv gärna och berätta om ni håller med mig i kommentarerna här nedan!

www.idg.se skriver bland annat:
br Superdatortillverkaren Cray kommer tillsammans med Microsoft och Intel att tillverka en superdator som är lika liten som en skrivbordsdator. br br br

Visst kan man kan man tänka och tycka i evighet om detta?

Detta har andra skrivit:

pcforalla.idg.se: Världens snabbaste dator byggs av Playstation 3-delar
br Med ny hybridteknik bygger IBM världens snabbaste superdator.br br br br br

www.idg.se: Intel skruvar upp hastigheten
br Nya ssddiskar från Intel ökar skrivhastigheten till det dubbla.br br br

removewga.download11.com: RemoveWGA 1.2 - RemoveWGA.exe
RemoveWGA enables you to remove the Microsoft "Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications" tool, which is calling home and connect to Microsoft servers every time you boot pilot version, or every two weeks current release.Once the WGA Notification tool has checked your OS and has confirmed you had a legit copy, there is no decent point or reason to check it again and again every boot. Moreover, connecting to Microsoft brings security issue for corporate networks, and privacy issues for everyone. It is also unclear which information are transmitted Microsoft published an official answer, but an individual study brought some questions. All of that, along the fact that Microsoft used deceptive ways to make you install this tool it was told you it was an urgent security update, whereas it is a new installation giving you no extra security makes me calling this tool a spyware.Also, Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications is different than Windows Genuine Advantage Validation. RemoveWGA only remove the notification part, phoning home, and does not touch the Validation part. As the time I'm writting this, the Validation part is mandatory for some not critical downloads from Microsoft, but the Notification part is not mandatory at all, and you are able to install all of the security updates without installing this one. This may change in the future thought, I don't know what are the Microsoft plans.Note once the WGA notification is removed, the Automatic Update will bug you about installing the update again. This is normal, and out of the scope of RemoveWGA since at this point, the WGA notification is uninstalled from your system. If you are concerned about tweaking Automatic Update to prevent Microsoft trying to push the update on your computer.

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