måndag 23 juni 2008

Sanslöst söt! Kolla: No More For A While

Svensk IT-blogg
Kära bloggare och andra läsare, kolla in blog.isecore.net innehållet där fick ialla fall mig att börja trilla av stolen. Mycket av det är ju SÅ söt, men man ska inte avfärda allt på nätet. blog.isecore.net skriver ett och annat fina.

Om jag får (klart jag får hihi) så vill jag tipsa er om de här No More For A While. Ta ändan ur vagnen och säg vad du tycker om det som står här nedan.

blog.isecore.net skriver på detta viset:
No more blogging from me for a while. I’m tired of writing stuff and having to defend my opinion as if I was some crazy lunatic. Also, I’m getting annoyingly close to the point where I start writing for my readers yeah, all five of you instead of for myself, and that’s not good.br So, no ...

Man kan ju bara hoppas på att bli svept av molnen...Tyck till om det här mina vänner!

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blog.isecore.net: Our Benefactors
I’m not sure if I’m back to writing or not, but I just can’t hold my anger and frustration about the latest political madness that’s been approved here in Sweden. Beware that there will most likely be plenty of foul language ahead.br As surely anyone in this country and even outside of it knows Sweden yesterday ...

spacewaster.net: Time to move from CRT to LCD
I am now watching as I type on a 19 Samtron 96P from the dark ages, it’s big as a boulder and I don’t mean screenwise.br It’s time for a monitor upgrade. I’ve been looking at several different monitors, but I’ve fallen for a viewsonic monitor, namely the X Series VX2835WM 28 one.br The good ...

blog.isecore.net: Hardy Heron Day
Today’s date is Thursday, April 24th, 2008. That means that today is the day that Ubuntu 8.04 is released. At the time of writing this, Ubuntus own page hasn’t yet been updated to reflect that so hold off downloading for a while until it’s been updated.br I’ve been running the 64bit version of Hardy on my ...

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